Sertifikasi BNSP & Pemerintah

Sertifikasi Kompetensi

Desain Grafis Madya

Sertifikasi Asesor

Asesor LSP P1 SMKN 1 Klungkung


Penggunaan Aplikasi Kelas Virtual Portal Bali Malajah

Canva Certification

Adobe Certification

Formative Certification

Formative Certified Educator

Edpuzzle Certification

Edpuzzle Coach24

Kahoot! Certification




Quizizz Certification

Quizizz Super Trainer Level 2

Quizizz Super Trainer Level 1

Quizizz Game Changer

Google Certification

Google Badges - Learning Path


Google Calender

Google Drive

Google Docs

Google Sheets

Google Slide

Google Meet

Google Chat

Intruducation to Generative AI

Introduction to Large Language Model

Introduction to Responsible AI

Introduction to Responsible AI

Microsoft Certification

Microsoft Badges - Learning Path

Transform learning with 21st century learning design

Use Automated Machine Learning in Azure Machine Learning

Empower every student with an inclusive classroom

Digital storytelling with Microsoft Sway

OneNote Class Notebook: A teacher's all-in-one notebook for students

Get started with OneNote

Digital citizenship: Prepare today’s learners for online success

Lead forward: Integrate the best strategies from remote, hybrid, and blended learning for school leaders

Assemble learners and staff with Microsoft Teams meetings

Introduction to Azure OpenAI Service

Converse, collaborate, and build community in Teams

Organize content, create assignments, and assess learners’ understanding in Teams

Work collaboratively with Staff and PLC Teams

Collaborate with colleagues through live Teams meetings and OneNote

Structure Teams through channels, tabs, files, and apps

Accessibility: Build the foundation for inclusive learning

Teach forward: Best strategies for hybrid, remote, and blended learning

Get started with AI on Azure